Beauty And The Toxic Beast

Lead And Coal Tar On Your Head. There are hundreds of hair dye products that consumers can choose from, and in those hundreds of products are combinations of more than 5,000 different chemicals that are not always listed on the label. It’s impo...

Can Toxic Chemicals Harm Your Immune System?

What is the Immune System The immune system is a network within the body that protects us against disease. It fights off viruses and bacteria that can make us sick. It helps us recover when we are sick or injured. The COVID-19 pandemic has high...

Chemical Exposure and Pregnancy

Critical Times Of Development. Exposure to environmental chemicals, especially when the eggs and sperm are being formed, the fetus is developing in the womb, and during early childhood, contribute to the root cause of so many health conditions...

Eat Your Way to a Healthier Endocrine System

While Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are pervasive in our environment, studies show that taking steps to intentionally reduce your exposure to these toxins can significantly reduce your chemical body load.   According to a 2018 study done b...

EDCs in Skin Care: Ingredients to Avoid

In the United States, skin care products are not well regulated or screened for true safety. While other countries have banned hundreds of ingredients in personal care products, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned only 11 che...

Welcome to The Source!

Welcome to The Source!  We are so happy you’re here.  The Source is Hugh & Grace’s weekly blog that is dedicated to raising awareness surrounding the harmful effects that Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) have on our bodies.  Our goal is t...