Simple Swaps: Restoring Face Serum

This is the second of three blogs in our Simple Swap series, where we recommend creative ways you can substitute Hugh & Grace products in place of products that you already use, which may have high toxin counts.  By doing this, you can drastically reduce your exposure to harmful Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, or EDCs.  

In this post, we’ll be exploring 12 ways that you can use the Restoring Face Serum. 

This powerful, nourishing, daily Face Serum leaves your skin feeling restored, smooth, and radiant. It is 100% all natural and formulated with antioxidants and essential fatty acids that protect your skin’s barrier from everyday environmental pollutants.  

All the ingredients are hand-picked, including Vitamin C, Grapeseed Oil, Passionfruit Seed Oil, Alma Oil and Vitamin E, which are superior antioxidants that protect the skin, fighting free radicals and hormone disruptors to hydrate and brighten. In partnership, Rosehip Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil and Black Current Oil are rich in Omegas to rejuvenate and restore. Our Custom Essential Oil Blend not only provides a soothing scent but is also formulated with our proprietary blend of hormone-protective ingredients. 

You’ll also notice that the Restoring Face Serum comes in a dark bottle— and that’s on purpose. Vitamin C, a key ingredient in the Face Serum, actually breaks down when it’s exposed to light or air, so dark glass bottles help maintain its stability and efficacy. 

But did you know that you can also use the Restoring Face Serum in the following ways? 

  1. Moisturizer 
  2. To Help Combat Breakouts
  3. To Achieve a Naturally Flawless Complexion
  4. Facial Massage Oil
  5. To Help Soothe Skin Affected by Eczema
  6. Hydrating and Plumping Lip Oil
  7. Après Sun Lotion
  8. Under Eye Cream
  9. Makeup Remover
  10. Eyebrow and Eyelash Growth Serum
  11. Anti-Aging Serum
  12. To Help Fight Discoloration and Scarring

If you’d like to learn more about how you can use the Restoring Face Serum as a substitute for 12 products you already use, then please keeping reading! 

We hope you enjoy our Simple Swaps

Simple Swaps 

1. Moisturizer 

Serums have higher concentrations of active ingredients than most moisturizers, and they penetrate deeper, making them more effective. 

The Restoring Face Serum is full of hydrating ingredients that contain powerful antioxidants to protect your skin against free radicals.  It’s the perfect replacement for your daily facial moisturizer. 

You can use the Face Serum any time, but we recommend applying it directly after you wash your face. When your skin is damp, moisturizing products are better able to permeate the skin barrier and leave you feeling extra hydrated. 

As a general rule, it’s best to apply your skincare products in order of thinnest to thickest consistency. 

Wherever the Face Serum falls in your skincare lineup, squeeze 3-5 drops of the product onto your fingertips, and gently massage into your skin. 

2. To Help Combat Breakouts 

Can a Face Serum with the consistency of oil actually help my breakouts? 

Yes! It is a common misconception that using an oil-like product will clog your pores, making your breakouts worse. 

Whether or not a product clogs your pores depends on the ingredients, not the consistency. 

The Restoring Face Serum is excellent for treating oily or acne-prone skin.  It’s high in linoleic acid, also known as omega-6 fatty acid, which can help with acne, and has anti-inflammatory effects that can calm redness and help to reduce cysts.  

Also, Rosehip Oil contains some retinoids, such as trans retinoic acid, which help to regulate cell turnover in such a way that reduces follicular plugging and the formation of blackheads. 

To help combat your breakouts, gently massage 3-5 drops of the Face Serum onto freshly cleansed skin in any areas that are prone to, or currently experiencing, a breakout. 

3. To Achieve a Naturally Flawless Complexion 

If you’re like me, sometimes you want look like you have makeup on, but other times, you just want to look like you woke up with perfect, glowing, and flawless skin. 

I’m going to let you in on one of my beauty hacks – a secret that has helped me achieve the ultimate no-makeup, makeup glow. 

I mix my foundation with a few drops of the Restoring Face Serum!  This trick thins my foundation, creating the perfect amount of sheer coverage.  My skin looks even, hydrated, and completely natural! 

I also love that my skin is gaining all the benefits of the Face Serum throughout the day. 

To achieve a naturally flawless complexion, squeeze 1-2 drops of the Face Serum onto a clean surface (I use the back of my hand!) and mix with your favorite foundation.  Apply as you normally would. 

4. Facial Massage Oil 

Facial lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic massage treatment that uses very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes on the face to increase the flow of lymph and reduce your chemical body load.  

Using the Restoring Face Serum to perform facial lymphatic drainage is a luxurious substitute for your average, not-so-clean massage oil.  Your skin will feel soft, look radiant, and you won’t be applying any harmful EDCs. 

To apply, drop a generous amount of Face Serum into your fingertips and massage it into your face in long, outward motions.  For an in-depth look at how to perform a lymphatic drainage facial, visit

As always, don’t forget to drink lots of water after any massage to help your body flush out the lymphatic drainage, which contains toxins and waste. 

5. To Help Soothe Skin Affected by Eczema 

The Restoring Face Serum is gentle on the skin and can reduce irritation by calming the skin, making it extremely effective when used to help soothe sensitive skin affected by eczema and atopic dermatitis. 

The Face Serum contains Grapeseed Oil and Rosehip Oil, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce itchiness. 

Rosehip Oil also contains a high number of antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids, and phenols, which have antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. These ingredients help make it an effective topical remedy for soothing skin affected by conditions like eczema, and offer benefits such as smoother, more elastic skin.  

Vitamin C has also been shown to help treat a huge variety of inflammatory skin conditions and helps to minimize redness. 

When it comes to skin conditions, we always recommend talking to your doctor first before trying a new product. 

After consulting your doctor, squeeze 3-5 drops of Restoring Face Serum onto your fingertips and gently massage it into any irritated patches of skin. 

6. Hydrating & Plumping Lip Oil 

Many commonly used lip products contain known EDCs, such as lead, sulfates, parabens, fragrance, and artificial colors. 

Without even knowing it, we consume most of the lip product that we apply, which means we are ingesting all those toxins directly into our bodies. 

The Restoring Face Serum can be used in place of a lip oil, lip balm, or even lip gloss.  Grapeseed and Vitamin C Oil are well known for boosting collagen production, which can give a subtle plumping effect to the lips. Vitamin E Oil works as a moisturizer and can help soften dry lips, making them soft and supple. 

To apply, squeeze 1 drop of Face Serum onto your fingertips and gently massage the product into your clean lips or over color. 

7. Après Sun 

If you spent a little too much time in the sun over the long weekend, you’re not alone! 

To give my skin a little TLC after a little TMS (too much sun!), I like to use the Restoring Face Serum. 

The Face Serum will hydrate your sun-kissed skin, promoting your body’s natural healing process which will reduce any redness, dryness or burning. 

Grapeseed Oil can help repair sun damage and boost collagen repair, while Vitamins E and C contain antioxidants that neutralize the effect of free radicals caused by ultraviolet radiation, soothing sunburns and minimizing redness. 

Apply a generous amount of the Face Serum to your face, neck, and chest, as well as anywhere that was recently exposed to the sun. 

8. Under Eye Cream 

The skin around your eyes is extremely delicate and sensitive.  So, why would you use harsh products that contain EDCs to care for it? 

You can swap out your eye cream for the Restoring Face Serum, which will hydrate and plump the skin while helping to minimizing fine lines, wrinkles, and darkness.  

The Face Serum contains Vitamin E, an ingredient commonly found in expensive eye creams that reduces inflammation and can help the skin appear tighter and more youthful, and Vitamin C, which is used to alleviate discoloration associated with under-eye circles. 

To apply, squeeze 2-3 drops of Face Serum into your fingertips, warm the product up by rubbing your fingers together, and gently pathe product onto the skin around your eyes. 

9. Makeup Remover 

The other night, I came home to find that I was completely out of makeup remover. I am a stickler for removing my makeup before bed, so I began searching through my medicine cabinet to find anything that I could use to remove my mascara. 

Having studied the ingredients in the Restoring Face Serum, I knew that there was a chance the formula would remove makeup.  I gently rubbed a few drops of the Face Serum into my eyelashes, and then wiped it away with a clean, damp cotton ball – and it worked!   

I couldn’t have been more excited. I had a clean face and a new hormone-safe makeup remover. 

The Face Serum contains Vitamin E, which is a heavy emollient and makes for a great way to get rid of dirt, grime and other impurities while simultaneously maintaining your skin’s oil balance.  

After cleansing your face, gently massage a few drops of the Face Serum on any stubborn makeup, and use a damp cotton round to gently wipe your face, eyes, and lips.  

10. Helps Stimulate Eyebrow and Eyelash Growth 

Longer lashes and fuller brows? Sign me up!  The Restoring Face Serum contains ingredients proven to stimulate hair growth.  

Vitamin E Oil provides all the essential nutrients and antioxidants for thicker and darker eyebrow hair growth – it boosts and conditions the roots of hair. 

The high antioxidant content in Passionfruit Oil protects against hair loss, and it contains moisturizing properties that are effective for conditioning hair to enhance smoothness and volume.  Grapeseed and Vitamin C Oil can boost collagen products, which strengthens your hair to prevent it from splitting and breaking. 

After cleansing your face, dip a Q-tip in the face serum and apply to directly to your eyelashes and eyebrows. Leave the serum overnight and wash it off with water in the morning. 

11. Anti-Aging Serum 

Collagen production is tied to skin elasticity and firmness.  As you age, your body produces less collagen, leading to dry, sagging skin and the formation of wrinkles.  However, several studies have shown that boosting collagen production may help slow the aging of your skin by reducing wrinkles and dryness  

The Restoring Face Serum contains ingredients that have been proven to stimulate collagen production. 

When Vitamin C is used topically, the skin is triggered to heal itself by accelerating the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in an overall tightening effect.  The antioxidant activity of Vitamin C also protects and repairs UV-damage which helps to reduce wrinkles. 

Rich in Vitamin A, which is known to help fight against age spots and wrinkles, Rosehip Oil is great for anti-aging.  It’s packed with molecules that are small enough to penetrate deep layers of the skin, improving moisture and collagen levels, while reducing wrinkles and fine lines. 

Grapeseed Oil has also been proven to boost collagen repair, suggesting that it can reduce the appearance of fine lines and stretch marks. 

To apply, squeeze 3-5 drops of the product onto your fingertips, and gently massage into your skin, focusing on areas that display signs of aging. 

12. Help Fight Discoloration and Scarring 

Hyperpigmentation, including sunspots, age spots, and melasma, occurs when melanin is overproduced in certain areas of the skin.  It can also happen in areas where acne as healed.  

The Restoring Face Serum contains Grapeseed, Vitamin C, and Rosehip Oil, which have been shown to effectively reduce hyper-pigmentation and brighten the skin.  Vitamin C can impede melanin production, which can help fade dark spots and smooth the skin’s surface to reduce dullness, giving the skin a youthful glow. 

Grapeseed Oil contains powerful antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids that work together to lighten scars.  Studies have shown that it can help speed up the healing process and decrease the formation of keloid scars.

Rosehip Oil also contains Retinoids, such as trans retinoic acid, which help to lighten pigmentation.  They also speed up cell maturation and turnover, which results in an overall brightening effect. 

To apply, gently massage 3-5 drops of the Face Serum onto freshly cleansed skin in any areas where discoloration or scarring has occurred. 

Don’t Just Take it From Us! 

According to our H&G Advocates, the Restoring Face Serum is lightweight, luxurious to apply, not sticky, and has a smooth texture. After just a few weeks of use, their skin felt more hydrated, brighter, smoother, more restored and more even. Also, our Advocates described the Face Serum bottle as easy to use and reported that the dropper dispensed the right amount of product.