The Zoe Report Features New Skincare Brand Hugh & Grace With 3 Products That Define Clean Beauty In A Totally Different Way

Oct 01, 2020

The definition of clean beauty is still somewhat blurry, but terms are becoming far more familiar. But even if you have the no-no lists memorized, non-toxic is far more encompassing than this, especially when it comes to messing with your hormones. New skincare brand Hugh & Grace decided to explore this and widen the scope of how clean beauty is viewed.

After a 14-year-long experience with infertility, founders Sara and Ben Jensen realized that information on hormone-disrupting chemicals wasn't common knowledge. "We started doing research and learned that endocrine disrupting chemicals, or hormone disruptors, were found in many of the common products we were using — including those that are labeled clean," the Jensens tell The Zoe Report in an email.

They found that these chemicals (over 1,000 of them) were linked to infertility along with a host of other diseases. "Hormone disruption and chemical exposure are topics that can be intimidating and overwhelming ... While we know it’s impossible and impractical to completely avoid all of them, we set out to create our debut set of products as a simple offering that targets things we do every day that can add up to make a difference now and in the long-term."

Courtesy of Hugh & Grace

They settled on three hero products that meet these requirements and fit in your head-to-toe routine. The Purifying Cleansing Bar is $15 and looks like a classic body wash, but instead coddles your face in a light foam to help you detox, combat inflammation, and get rid of harmful bacteria. Post-wash, you can follow up with the $95 Restoring Face Serum. In it is a blend of vitamin C and seven different oils to brighten and protect your complexion.

What the face serum doesn't cover, the Protecting Body Oil ($60) does. It has a multitude of oils including grapeseed, meadowfoam, and sea buckthorn to protect the skin from external damage, help heal scars, and relax you.

To decide what components go into its products, the brand's mantra — "what goes on your body can get in your body" — serves as the driving force. But to maintain this standard, it's not just the formulas, but also ensuring the packaging is void of toxins, maintaining a manufacturing practice that's up to par, and even having an advisory board of doctors, too.

While there are three products to start, Huge & Grace is continuing to expand with this mindset, and excitingly, there are already new products in the works. "We can give you one tiny hint of our team’s favorites and a riff on our mantra: 'What goes on your lips gets in your body.' It’s an incredibly exciting time for us here at Hugh & Grace, and we are looking forward to what’s ahead."

Expand your clean skincare arsenal and shop the brand's three hero products, below.

We only include products that have been independently selected by The Zoe Report's editorial team. However, we may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.


Published on October 1, 2020 by Melissa Epifano. Read original article here.